"Scent is the best agent to recall over something"
Of any reason somehow it doesn't apply here now. It's the sight, ambiance, and warmth combined.
Well, since the first time I stepped in my feet in the station or small stroll around the city or when the first rain drop onto my head this city, Groningen, reminisced me about a lovely city miles away in the east: Jogjakarta.
You may tell hundreds of differences between these two cities, but I assure you I am able to explain hundreds-plus-one reasons why they are the same in such a way.
You won't see people insignificantly cram in public place like intersection, park or else.

It turned out that there are way too much Indonesian people here, much more than I expect. Which is a good news! Thereafter, I (suppose to) smile in every corner whenever I bump into another Indonesian. I love it doing so tho'. Who doesn't anyway?

Memorable Spot
Everybody has divine right to come up with iconic spot of their beloved city, I am no exception. Honestly speaking, there is no most iconic building or landmark that symbolize Groningen, like Tugu does in Jogja but still, I am very fond of the library, the room, the street, the park, the city central, the theater, etc

Apparently, this is a kind of city that you will remember every meticulous detail of it. The spot you drop, the meal you steal (no, I'm kidding, I'm trying to make a rhyme out of it) or the bitch you sleep with (sorry I can't stand it).
Nevertheless, I realize that I sound too exaggerating but you never know until you live here yourself.
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